Lisa Robey poses at her desk.

Hi. I'm Lisa, a multi-passionate designer who creates bold, colorful surface patterns and illustrations. My designs are inspired by the beauty and fearless style of Black women, with detailed textures, colors from nature, and vintage vibes of the soulful 70s. I'm a certified maximalist! More is...well...more. There is no such thing as perfection, so I love it when you can see little imperfections in the design.

I finally found the courage to pursue my design dream. I listened to my creative soul and there I found my voice. I have a lot to say and share with the world. I hope you join me in celebrating the style of Black women and looking at nature in a whole new, beautiful way.

Most days, you can find me in my studio listening to Stevie Wonder, James Brown, neo-soul music, or an uplifting podcast to keep me motivated and positive. These are just some of the things that help me create.

Bright colors and bold patterns make my soul happy. I hope they will do the same for you.